So, Jaedyn started going to Mother's Day Out at the beginning of September. This is her first time to be at "school" of any kind with the exception of Sunday School at church. Which, for any of you who know her, know that getting her to go to S.S. was a hard enough task. She seems to have always been quite attached to her mommy (and who can blame her, really?) Anyway, we started MDO to get Jaedyn used to going to school and to give mommy a little time to get things done. (Another side note I need to include is that she hasn't been a regular nap taker since she was probably 18 months old.)
Her teachers have informed me that Jaedyn doesn't like nap time and usually throws a big crying fit! So, I have tried to work with her on this and explain to her that she doesn't actually have to sleep, she just needs to lay there and be still and quiet. (Once again, for those of you who know her, know that she doesn't like to be quiet or still.) Anyway, today I picked her up and her teacher told me that they had major tears at nap time, and during those tears Jaedyn kept saying she wanted mommy (again, no surprise), but my favorite part of her crying fit is when she said,
"I want my mommy, my mommy is beautiful!!"
I just thought that was the sweetest thing my girl could say! And it definitely made my day!
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