So, my big boy had his check up yesterday and I was really anxious to find out his weight and height and see where he was percentile wise. Let me tell you, Landon has always been a pretty decent size. He was 8 lbs. 15oz. and 21 inches long when he was born. At his 2 1/2 month check up he was 15 lbs. 2 oz. and 24 inches long. (he was off the charts in weight, and 80th percentile in height) And today, he weighed 19 lbs. 1 oz. and was 26 inches long. (this time he was back on the charts for weight, barely...95th percentile and for height he was between 75th and 80th percentile, but whatever his head measured, that was off the charts) haha! I guess somewhere in all those measurements he has to be the biggest at something!
Aside from being healthy, my Landon sure is a sweetie pie!
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